The Biggest Deception is that Self-Discipline is Punishment

Why is it that we never want to do what we should do? Why is it that we succumb to instant pleasures instead of practicing delayed gratification? Why is it that we assume that self-discipline is punishment? We live in world where many people do things for their own self-indulgence and their own selfish reasons. For example, many moms’ think that their way to happiness is pampering themselves at the spa or getting their nails done. While there is nothing wrong with this occasional indulgence the fact that our society deems these as necessary things to be happy is the biggest rug pull. This initial hit of dopamine results in disappointment down the road. You constantly need more and more of these pleasurable activities to get the same result. Whereas if you forego instant gratification and put in hard meaningful work whether that be getting in a workout when you don’t feel like it or forgoing an indulgent dessert, you will feel so much better and have more peace later on. Our bodies are designed to do as little work as possible so we have to retrain our brain and body. But this sacrifice is what churns greatness. It is what fuels a beautiful and virtuous life. It’s what separates you from the rest in the most remarkable way. It’s where true happiness is found. True happiness is not found in the latest and greatest new material item. Even though that is what we are tricked into believing. So, if you are struggling with depression or struggling with anxiety try foregoing instant gratification and push yourself to try something challenging and something meaningful. We are also fed the lie that our lives are not supposed to be challenging and that it is supposed to be smooth sailing. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If you are doing something worthwhile and meaningful it is going to be an uphill battle. You are going to want to quit. But I encourage you not to give up when life has you on your back, I encourage you to get up. It’s in these moments that you sever all of the things that are holding you back. Today start by practicing true self love and that requires practicing self-discipline. The one thing that will get you to where you want to be.


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