How I healed my body with food

In my early 20’s to mid 30’s my diet consisted of processed food and eating out much of the time. I was riddled with illness and health conditions not realizing that it was my diet that was the main culprit. Even though when we would eat out, I would try to choose healthier options I would still struggle with weight gain and illness. I tried a plethora of different diets and all of them resulted in the same thing. I would initially lose some weight but often times didn’t feel great and ended up regaining all of my weight and then some. It wasn’t until I discovered a new way of eating and started cooking from home that my health conditions went away, and I was able to lose 45 pounds and have kept it off for years. It wasn’t until I discovered how inflammatory and unhealthy our modern-day food system was that I was finally able to make a change and transform my life and the lives of my family. I never knew how horrible I really felt until I experienced what it was like to not have the inflammation, brain fog, and extra weight. Daily life was easier and clearer, and I had more energy and vitality then I had ever had. This way of eating is simple. It is the way that our ancestors ate before our food had become so commercialized. We went back to the proper way of preparing food. The food that takes a longer time to prepare but allows for it to be more digestible and healthier. We started eliminating the highly inflammatory oils, additives, and preservatives. Health conditions that we struggled with for years went away without any pharmaceutical interventions. I got my life back and I am so passionate about sharing this with others. I see so many people suffering unnecessarily and it doesn’t have to be this way. We just can’t see the forest through the trees. They got us to believe that the food we are eating is real food. Many of the foods that are sold in our grocery stores are banned in other countries or the products have to be made with different ingredients due to the many health concerns. When you start changing your diet to whole foods, eating high quality animal protein, and healthy fruits and vegetables that you can tolerate your life will change. It’s only when I started to connect the relationship between the food I ate and how I felt that my weight came off fairly effortlessly. When I started eating an organic whole food diet, I was able to heal every single one of my health conditions. But if I go back to eating the foods that I ate when I was sick and overweight the health conditions start to reappear. You can’t get away with eating a poor diet. At some point it is going to catch up with you.


The hardest part is getting started


The Biggest Deception is that Self-Discipline is Punishment