New study shows ultra-processed foods accelerate cognitive decline

A new study published in JAMA showed that there was link to consuming ultra-processed foods and cognitive decline in adults.  This is the first time that they have been able to show a link between the two.  We know that processed food is not good for health and longevity. Ultra-processed foods are inflammatory, lack vital nutrients, and contribute to obesity.  We sacrifice convenience for health.  These foods are not only designed to taste amazing, but they are designed to be addictive as well.  Processed food manufacturers hire scientists to make the foods irresistible and to keep you coming back for more.  It is great to bring in profit for their business but awful for the health of the consumer.  Now it appears that the long term affects of consuming these foods are affecting the brain. 

If you are struggling with auto-immune issues, having difficulty losing weight, or having anxiety or depression one thing that you can start doing is to slowly cut out the processed foods that you are consuming.  When we started doing this the results were dramatic.  We noticed that the brain fog went away. We also started getting more energy from our food instead of it putting us into a food coma.  Start out small.  If you are consuming a mostly processed and fast food diet going cold turkey can be difficult.  But if you start out by slowing cutting it out you won’t notice as much of a withdrawal and your body won’t fight it as much.  It makes it much more sustainable when you make these small changes until you get to where you want to be. 







 Association Between Consumption of Ultraprocessed Foods and Cognitive Decline | Dementia and Cognitive Impairment | JAMA Neurology | JAMA Network



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