Easy way to thrive during these challenging times

You don’t have to look hard to see that the world today is under duress. Food and gasoline prices are continually rising. It is becoming more and more difficult for families to put food on the table. This inevitably leads to increased stress and fear. Fear of the what the future will hold. Unfortunately living in this state of fear has a negative impact on your immune function. Fear down regulates the immune system putting you more at risk for disease and illness. It is necessary for us to do all that we can to safeguard our health both physically and mentally. Put down your phone and take a walk outside if you live in a climate where you can do that this time of year. Going out and getting into the fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for your wellbeing. It is simple but powerful. Moving your body daily is vital for optimal function. Often times people think that they have to get in structured time-consuming workouts for it be effective. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Right now even small simple exercise can be tremendously helpful to keep you healthy. You want something that is somewhat challenging but doesn’t wipe you out. Often times couch potatoes or weekend warriors will go out and do these intense exercises only to find themselves sick not long after that. This is because you can actually hinder your immune function by exercising too much. There is a fine balance between working out enough and working out too much. If you haven’t been physically active start by walking in your neighborhood. Then slowly turn up the intensity and or duration over time. This leads to sustainability while at the same time boosting your immune system. This also serves as stress reduction as well. Yoga or stretching can help to release tension and helps to switch your body from the fight or flight nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for resting and digesting. Also known as the healing part of the nervous system. We are always on the go. There are not enough hours in the day to keep up with the demands that society places upon us. It is essential to take time each day to unwind by stretching, yoga, or some form of meditation. If you don’t think that you have time, then you really need to incorporate this relaxation time into your day.


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