Fame Junkie

Are you a fame junkie? Are you living your life for the atta boy’s and likes? Are you showing the world your true self or are you sacrificing your truth and your mental health to be what you think society wants you to be? So much of what you see on social media is not an accurate representation of real life. It is someone’s highlight reel that often times makes us feel bad about the life that we are living. We don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. Often times the picture-perfect lifestyle that people portray on their social media accounts are not in fact the life they are really living. True peace and joy come from doing things that you know you are supposed to be doing knowing it is going to make you better. Your road to self-mastery will be your greatest blessing. It won’t always look or feel like it in the beginning because it is going to require discipline and grit. But it is with that constant forward progress that true happiness is found. It can’t be bought it must be earned. This is not something that is taught in today’s world. We are taught that we must conform and must try to fit in. There is this cookie cutter lifestyle that in the end stifles creativity and true personal growth. You must trust in yourself and know that through your trials and tribulations you will transform into who you were meant to be. I think a lot of society’s issues with mental health has to do with this underlying feeling that we are not living the life we are supposed to live. Time and health are your most valuable assets. We sacrifice our time to work at a job we hate. I had a patient recently that was saying how her grandson was 19 and living with them and how she was just so frustrated with this generation’s belief that you should do a job that you like. She said she would never understand that and that they worked jobs that they didn’t like to provide for their families. I found this to be so sad and such a backwards way of thinking. Shouldn’t you do something that you enjoy? Especially if it will make up a majority of your life. Maybe this is why so many individuals are so depressed and ridden with anxiety. They have spent 40 plus years working a job that they detest and now that they can finally retire, they can’t enjoy it because that job has slowly robbed them of their health, both mentally and physically. This is my hope and encouragement for you to trust in yourself and figure out what it is that you love to do. What are you waiting for? It took me awhile to get the courage to go after my dreams but here I am, and I couldn’t be more at peace. People are going to tell you that it can’t be done but don’t listen to them. Some of the most famous inventors and creators in this world were criticized in the beginning. They had multiple failed attempts before they were successful. The road to success is a bumpy one but the destination is priceless.


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How to Win at Life