Are you Overcomplicating Weight Loss?

We overcomplicate weight loss to the point that we fail to take the action needed to attain it. Often times we get it in our head that we have to get a membership to a gym, and we need to follow the latest diet trend, or that we need to spend countless hours in the gym to be successful at losing weight. That couldn’t be further from the truth. You can get in good shape with just bodyweight exercises. Dumbbells are great to have at home too but if you do not have any and can’t get them don’t let that be your excuse not to get started. The body is made to move and if you don’t you will start to decay. One of the biggest obstacles to losing weight is what we eat. That old saying, “you can’t outwork a bad diet”, is true. Trust me, I have tried and the only thing that helped me to be successful in losing weight and keeping it off was to be conscious about what I was feeding my body. An animal-based whole food diet allows me to be in my best physical and mental shape. I have been able to get rid of food cravings and feel more in control about what I eat than I had ever been counting calories. I make delicious food and know exactly what is in my food.


Our Food has Dramatically Changed over the Last Few Decades


Don’t let the stress of the holiday season derail your weight loss goals