How to Lose Weight in 2025

We are living in crazy times. The world as we know it has changed so much over the last five years. It has been a bumpy ride to say the least. However, through trial and adversity with a desire to improve comes renewed sense of self and a journey of self-discipline. It just takes a change in perspective and a willingness to learn and try new things. The incredible information about nutrition that I have been fortune enough to have been able to find has transformed my life in a way that I could not have imagined. This information is so simple and anyone can do it. It requires you to go against the status quo. The status quo of disease, mental illness, and obesity. These things can often times be directly linked back to the food that we consume. The problem is that for so long we have forgotten how to properly nourish our bodies and our minds. We as a society have allowed the food industry to fill our minds with information that is incorrect. We have unknowingly allowed industry to influence the foods that we feed our children and families instead of sticking to what our ancestors had relied on. I learned about how some of these companies and industries manipulate the scientific data in their favor. This was an eye-opening experience to say the least. However, even with all that I had learned in college about the corruption within our food system, I was taught in school that you had to consume less than you take in. Anyone can implement a new diet program and exercise routine and lose some weight, but what I learned is how to lose the weight and continue to keep it off. I lost 45 pounds a few years ago and have been able to keep it off without having to go on diets or intense exercise programs. It really is as simple as consuming the most nutrient dense foods. You want to make sure that those foods are not contributing to inflammation in the body such as with seed oils and other processed foods. It’s the removal of these highly inflammatory foods and cooking from home that was the catalyst for my successful weight loss journey. One important thing to understand is that our food is dramatically different than it was decades ago. Processed food that we ate twenty years ago is drastically different than it is today. New additives, food coloring, and inflammatory oils are added that are innocent until proven guilty, meaning that the food company is the one running their own safety studies that are submitted to the FDA for approval. The FDA will recall the product down the road if multiple reports of side effects or deaths start getting reported. Many people including myself were surprised to find out that this is the case. We thought that we were being protected and that we could trust these food products. So what do we do to lose weight and keep it off in 2025? Start simple. Start with easy things that you are able to control. Try adding in more healthy protein and start by cutting out the ultra-processed foods. If you can just get the ultra-processed foods out of your diet that can be a huge catalyst to you not only feeling good but to begin lowering the inflammation in the body. Try getting in healthy protein at every meal. Try to get your carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables. Try to incorporate good, healthy fats such as avocado and butter. You can make delicious meals at home with simple quality ingredients. Another thing you will notice is just how bad ultra processed foods taste when you stop eating them. Your body has adapted to these foods because you have ignored the subtle signals that it has given you such as bloating, headaches, or lethargy. Your food should give you energy not put you in a food coma.

Exercise is another non-negotiable when it comes to losing weight. It is important to have a well-rounded exercise routine consisting of cardio, weight training, and some stretching routine. This is what we have found to deliver the best results and to keep us injury free. Make exercise a part of your daily life. Work it into your schedule. That could be dancing in your kitchen while you are cooking or doing a yin yoga routine to wind down at the end of a stressful day. I never realized the importance of a good stretching routine until I discovered yoga. I never realized how tight my muscles and fascia were until I would do certain stretches. It also helps you to switch out of the fight or flight nervous system that so many of us stay stuck in. Aim to do some form of exercise everyday even if it starts with doing a few sets of squats or lunges. You don’t have to workout for a certain duration of time for it to be beneficial. It is more important to establish a daily routine and sometimes in the beginning that starts with 25 squats.

Another important contributor for health and weight loss is adequate sunlight. Aim to get into the sun everyday. This impacts your hormones and your circadium rhythm. Sunlight helps with immune function and has even been shown to shrink fat cells. When I started getting regular sun exposure I began to notice red bumps that I had on the backs of my arms disappeared completely. Obviously, you need to be smart about your sun exposure and don’t want to stay out too long and get sunburnt but our bodies need the sun for optimal health.

Next, I would make sure to dial in my bedtime. Your sleep can make or break your ability to lose weight. Not getting enough sleep can cause you to crave more sugary foods. Not getting proper sleep also impairs your ability to properly rest and repair. These are key things that your body must go through to keep you in optimal health. If I were trying to lose weight I would also cut off my eating window a few hours before bed. You will be able to fall asleep faster and your body can focus on repair instead of focusing on digestion.

These are fairly simple and free things you can do to get your 2025 weight loss journey started. Don’t complicate it and know that in the beginning it is going to be more of a challenge when you are trying to detox off of these highly addictive foods. Stick with it and you will see progress.


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