Faith over Fear

I was at the grocery store this morning and a commercial came on that said temperatures are dropping which means it is time for to get your updated COVID booster, RSV, and Flu shot. I thought how sad it is that instead of a positive outlook on the change in seasons and anticipation of the holiday season pharmaceutical advertisers instead are spreading fear that if people don’t protect themselves with their product that something is going to happen to them. Why aren’t we encouraging individuals to take care of their health by eating healthy, moving their body, getting out in nature, getting sunlight as we head into a season where our sunlight exposure dwindles, stress management, and nurturing healthy relationships. Everything is backwards. Our society has tricked people into thinking that their reliance on pharmaceutical products is going to save them more than them taking personal responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I have seen it in my own family as well as countless other individuals. We have to get out of the programming that we have been taught and tap into what is our God given birthright. Our autonomy over our own health. Our individual sovereignty. That space where we are able to live a life that is joyful and at peace. I’m not saying that you are not going to encounter things that are challenging and difficult because if you are living a meaningful and fulfilling life you are going to be faced with trials and tribulations. What I am saying is that if you are able to get your physical and mental health in optimal shape you are better equipped to handle those challenges that life throws at you. It all starts with self-discipline. That often has a bad connotation attached to it, but it is truly your best friend. It is the one thing that can help you to transform all areas of your life. The value and reward that you get out of something is directly tied to the work and sacrifice that you put into it. There is nothing worthwhile that wasn’t difficult. The greater the challenge the bigger the reward. So, this fall lets focus on taking care of ourselves. I don’t mean self-care in the form of vanity. I mean self-care in the form of eating the highest quality food and moving your body in a way that will boost your immune system and transform your physique. I mean doing difficult tasks that will give you better mental health. Let’s focus on that instead of the propaganda and fear that this world is dead set on instilling in us. I hope as we enter into this holiday season you and your family are healthy and well.


How to Win at Life


Metabolic Flexibility and why it is important for weight loss